Spring has hit for some of us yet some things are still getting cold fast. I’m in one of those areas that’s been completely snowed in, but thankfully we never lost power. The good side to this is that I’ve had plenty of time to work on my Gladiator. Of course, equipment and such is really expensive, so it doesn’t hurt to have a boost occasionally.
For the love of my gaming record, I want to help all of you find places to buy aion accounts safely and cheaply. There are lots of sites out there that claim to have good service, but some of them are pretty shady. I’ve heard more than a few horror stories about people getting scammed or banned trying to buy accounts, and I’d like to keep that from happening to anyone else.
While I haven’t had time to put together an official review of any one site just yet, I did want to introduce one that I’ve had some luck with in the past. About 3 months ago, I really wanted to try some serious buying and the place that caught my eye was Toonstorm.com. The prices were highly competitive, the service claimed to be really fast, and they had a great bizrate rating, so I decided to give them a try.
The one thing I really liked was that they have a money-back guarantee. In my opinion, you should never buy from a place that doesn’t, just in case. Most places that don’t have that kind of guarantee tend to drop the ball when it comes to delivering the goods. Also, they aren’t as careful about avoiding bans for their customers. Anyway, I ordered 2 cheap Aion accounts as a test run. About 5 minutes after placing the order, they called me directly to verify that i wanted the order placed. After a short conversation with a really friendly rep (turns out he plays on Ariel), he let me know that my order would be ready in about 45 minutes. I logged on about 15 minutes later and immediately got a message. I hit channel 5 and had my Aion accounts within minutes. I was really impressed with their timely service. Toonstorm.com is a great place to buy aion accounts.