Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hello and Welcome To Toonstormer's Lair Blog

Hey, how’s everyone doing?

This is the first post in my new blog on where and how to buy gaming accounts for your coolest mmorpg gaming experience!

First, a little about myself.  I work IT for a firm in the midwest (sorry I have to be so vague.  they hate when I get specific about anything when I’m not at work) and have been a long time MMO player.  I was into Diablo series before Diablo was big until now, and have tried out just about every other MMO since then.  When SWTOR came out in December, I was absolutely amazed with just how far things had come since the old days.  Since then, I’ve been plugging steadily away at my ranger, and have finally hit higher level.  It’s slow going since my day job sometimes requires me to be on-call in the evenings, but it’s been worth it.

One thing that I’ve noticed about Star Wars The Old Republic is that it falls into a trap that most MMO’s do.  In order to get the best gear out there, you have to spend all of your time grinding out the money.  Rift did it, WoW does it, Aion does it, so it’s not like there wasn’t a precedent.  It’s just kind of annoying is all.  I don’t care just how much time you have to play, no one wants to spend all of their time running the same pointless route to make enough money for one high-end item and then have to do it all over again for the next one.

So, a couple of months ago, I decided to try a new method.  I had been able to buy golds/accounts and other such things online before, so I figured I’d try it out for Star Wars, too.  As luck would have it, places have already jumped on and are waiting to sell you their star wars accounts!
One place I’ve used before is  I really like them, and I’ll tell you why in my next post with a full on review.  I did want to mention them right now because they’re offering 10% off purchases on special events or releases, so it’s the best time to buy star wars account for sale.

Catch you on the flipside!

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