Monday, July 9, 2012

Some Hints When Buying Diablo 3 Accounts

Howdy, y’all!

I got a couple emails from you guys this last week that got me thinking. I know the blog isn't that old, so it’ll take time to get going and get a little variety in here, but I’ve had a limited selection of sites to work with thus far. Then the old “give a man a fish/teach a man to fish” proverb came back to me and I realized that one of the best things I can do for you is to tell you just how it is I pick a site to buy from. There are more sites and ways to go about buying Diablo 3 accounts than I can even count, with only some of them being legit.

So, without further ado, here are some of the things that you can do to keep yourself safe and well stocked when you buy Diablo 3 accounts:

Something that should be obvious about buying a character is that it isn’t exactly sanctioned by the game’s creators (otherwise they’d sell it themselves), so bragging about it in open chat or an official forum is not the greatest idea in the world. You will be caught, your account will be taken, and you will face either suspension or a ban. With this, make sure wherever you’re buying from has enough brainpower to realize that this is a bad idea as well. The last thing anyone needs is someone coming up to them saying “i haz ur account” in full view of everyone else.

Another good idea is to look for a money-back guarantee. This ties in with my previous point because it puts their profits on the line if they aren’t careful. is one of these places, and they will make good on it if they have to. Of course, since they don’t want to make good on it, they just make sure they get it right the first time.

Also, check out any site that you want to buy from independently before you actually make the buy. Try to look them up on Bizrate, or at least google them and see what comes up. Read the forum posts and decide for yourself if it seems trustworthy enough to drop your money on. You can learn a lot that way, particularly if a site is a nasty scam.

Anyway, here’s your fishing rod, so good luck. You can also check this site if you'd like to buy SWTOR account


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