Monday, October 8, 2012

Another New in buying Aion accounts Safely

Well, I knew it would happen eventually, but I was hoping I wouldn’t have to share one of these this early on.

I’ve mentioned scammers and such before, and in truth they aren’t that common. In this day and age it’s hard to pull off a scam over the internet because there are so many consumer protections in place. Credit cards have protections against identity theft, Paypal is an amazingly secure little place to do transaction, and some companies are even putting in scam protection for ebay shoppers and the like. Good, legitimate sites, no matter what you’re buying will take plenty of steps to make sure that you’re well taken care of and have nothing to worry about. Even sites like, who are just the **30** for variety places,are really anal about the people they work with.

We’re in a special category of that sort of thing, though. There’s no official support for what we do, so if anything happens to our money, we’re mostly on our own. NCSoft certainly won’t be helping us out. That means we have to use whatever else we have at our disposal to keep safe. Well, someone I know pretty well through Aion wasn’t thinking along these lines last week when he decided to buy Aion account from a site he’d found.

Those of you who have been paying attention the last couple of posts will love this: it was the first site he found when he searched for a place to buy, he didn’t take any time to read any reviews or do any other sort of research, and they asked for a money order instead of anything else.

Another tip-off should have been their claims. They were talking Aion accounts for $15, which just doesn’t have an equivalent in the market. There is no way you can convince me that was legit, but I’m an old hand at this.

So he hopped on and set up the buy, then sent a money order away. They said he’d hear from them in 2 days to confirm his character name and set up the drop. Over the next 2 days, he got tons of emails, but none of them had anything to do with buy Aion accounts. To this day there’s been no further contact, and the site itself has been shut down, so it’s going to be impossible to trace.

Please, please, please be careful out there. Stay safe until next time.

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